Publications from 2008
Antypov, D. and Elliott, J.A. "Computer simulation study of a single polymer chain in an attractive solvent", J. Chem. Phys., 129, 174901 (2008).
Harding, J.H., Duffy, D.M., Sushko, M.L., Rodger, P.M., Quigley, D. and Elliott, J.A., "Computational techniques at the organic-inorganic interface in biomineralization", Chem. Rev., 108, 4823-4854 (2008).
Han, L.H., Elliott, J.A., Bentham, Best, S., Cameron, R., Bentham, A.C., Amidon, G.E. and Hancock, B.C. "Numerical simulation on pharmaceutical powder compaction", Materials Science Forum, 575-578, 560-565 (2008).
Antypov, D. and Elliott, J.A."Wang-Landau simulation of polymer-nanoparticle mixtures", Macromolecules, 41, 7243-7250 (2008).
Han, L.H., Elliott, J.A., Bentham, A.C., Mills, A., Amidon, G. and Hancock, B.C. "A Modified Drucker-Prager Cap Model for Die Compaction Simulation of Pharmaceutical Powders", Int. J. Solids Struct., 45, 3088-3106 (2008).
Pong, I., Hopkins, S.C., Fu, X., Glowacki, B.A., Elliott, J.A. and Baldini, A. "Microstructure Development in Nb3Sn(Ti) Internal Tin Superconducting Wire", J. Mater. Sci., 43, 3522-3530 (2008).
Wu, C.-Y., Hancock, B.C., Mills, A., Bentham, A.C., Best S.M. and Elliott, J.A. "Numerical and experimental investigation of capping mechanisms during pharmaceutical tablet compaction", Powder Tech., 181, 121-129, (2008).
Wu, D.S., Paddison, S.J. and Elliott, J.A. "A comparative study of the hydrated morphologies of perfluorosulfonic acid fuel cell membranes with mesoscopic simulations", Energy Environ. Sci., 1, 284-293 (2008).
Elliott, J.A. and Shibuta, Y. "A semi-empirical molecular orbital study of free-standing and fullerene-encapsulated Mo nanoclusters", Mol. Sim., 34, 891-903 (2008)
Carbon nanotube synthesis and organisation
E Joselevich, HJ Dai, J Lie, K Hata and AH Windle
Carbon Nanotubes, 2008, 111, 101-164
The crystal structure and growth mechanism of unusually long fullerene (C-60) nanowires
JF Geng, WZ Zhou, P Skelton, WB Yue, IA Kinloch, BFG Johnson and AH Windle.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 8, 2527-2534
Morphology control of CNT-TiO2 hybrid materials and rutile nanotubes
D Eder and AH Windle
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2008, 18, 17, 2036-2043
The role of sulphur in the synthesis of carbon nanotubes by chemical vapour deposition at high t temperatures
MS Motta, A Moisala, IA Kinloch and AH Windle
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2008, 8, 5, 2442-2449
Carbon-inorganic hybrid materials: The carbon nanotube/TiO2 interface
D Eder and AH Wndle
Advanced Materials, 2008, 20, 9, 1787
Towards solutions of single-walled carbon nanotubes in common solvents
SD Bergin, V Nicolosi, PV Streich, S Giordani, ZY Sun, P Ryan, NPP Niraj, ZTT Wang, L Carpenter, WJ Blau, JJ Boland, JP Hamilton, JN Coleman and AH Windle
Advanced Materials,2008, 20, 10, 1876
Size-dependence and elasticity of liquid-crystalline multiwalled carbon nanotubes
W Song and AH Windle
Advanced Materials, 2008, 20, 16, 2139-3154
Direct spinning of carbon nanotube fibres from liquid feedstock
KL Stano, KK Koziol, M Pick, MS Motta, A Moisala, JJ Vilatela, IS Fraser and AH Windle
International Journal of Materials Formation, 2008, 1, 59-62
Preparation and properties of carbon nanotube-reinforced hydroxyapatite
AA White, IA Kinloch, SM Best and AH Windle
Bioceramics, 2008, 361-363, 419-422
Towards solutions of single-walled carbon nanotubes in common solvents
SD Bergin, V Nicolosi, PV Streich, S Giordani, Z Sun, P Ryan, NP Niraj, Z-TT Wang, L Carpenter, WJ Blau, JJ Boland, JP Hamilton, JN Coleman and AH Windle
Advanced Materials, 2008, 20, 10, 187-1881
Macroscopic fibres of well-aligned carbon nanotubes by wet spinning
SJ Zhang, KK Koziol, IA Kinloch and AH Windle
Small, 2008, 4, 8, 1217-1222
Shear induced alignment of multi-walled carbon nanotube dispersions via single angle x-ray scattering
S Pujari, WR Burghardt, SS Rahatekar, KK Koziol and AH Windle
XVth International Congress on Rheology- The Society of Rheology 80th Annual Meeting, 2008, 1027, 806-808
Microindentation techniques as a tool for investigating the development of order in PET under uniaxial stress
AI Abou-Kandil, A Flores, FJB Calleja and AH Windle
Journal of Polymer Research, 2008, 15, 5, 373-379
Structural changes of carbon nanotubes in their macroscopic films and fibres by electric sparking processing
Y-L Li, X-H Zhong and AH Windle
Carbon, 2008, 46, 13, 1751-1756
Efficient microwave energy absorption by carbon nanotubes
K R Paton and AH Windle
Carbon, 2008, 46, 14, 1935-1941