Publications from 2013
Dutt, M. and Elliott, J.A. "Granular Dynamics Simulations of the Effect of Grain Size Dispersity on Uniaxially Compacted Powder Blends", Granul. Mattter, DOI:10.1007/s10035-013-0463-3 (2013).
Qiu, J., Terrones, J., Vilatela J.J., Vickers, M.E., Elliott, J.A. and Windle A.H. "Liquid Infiltration into CNT Fibers: Effect on Structure and Electrical Properties", ACS Nano, 7, 8412-8422 (2013).
Hida, S., Hori, T., Shiga, T., Elliott, J.A. and Shiomi, J. "Thermal resistance and phonon scattering at the interface between carbon nanotube and amorphous polyethylene", Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 67, 1024-1029 (2013).
Kojima, T. and Elliott, J.A. "Effect of silica nanoparticles on the bulk flow properties of fine cohesive powders", Chem. Eng. Sci., 101, 315-328 (2013).
Elliott, J.A., Shibuta, Y., Amara, H., Bichara, C. and Neyts, E.C. "Atomistic modelling of CVD synthesis of carbon nanotubes and graphene", Nanoscale, 5, 6662-6676 (2013).
May, R.K., Su, K., Han, L.H., Zhong, S., Elliott, J.A., Gladden, L.F., Evans, M., Shen, Y. and Zeitler, J.A. "Hardness and density distributions of pharmaceutical tablets measured by terahertz pulsed imaging", J. Pharm. Sci., 7, 2179-2186 (2013).
Facile processing of zeolite based catalyst support for carbon nanotube synthesis
SW Pattinson, KK Koziol and AH Windle
Materials Letters, 2013, 93, 404-407
The production of aligned MWCNT/polypyrrole composite films
IW Schnoor, G Smith, D Eder, KK Koziol, GT Burstein, K Schulte and AH Windle
Carbon, 2013, 60, 229-235
In situ observation of the effect of nitrogen on carbon nanotube synthesis
SW Pattinson, RE Diaz, NA Stelmashenko, KK Koziol, C Ducati, EA Stach and AH Windle
Chemistry of Materials, 2013, 25, 15, 2821-2923
Self-assembly of bacterial and tunicate cellulose nanowhiskers
M Khandelwal and AH Windle
Polymer, 2013, 54, 19, 5199-5206